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            Part inventory management cognitive misunderstanding one: Parts spot rate, inventory and zero inventory

            Article source:The station Upload time:2021-03-17

            Many service-oriented enterprises have part warehouses in order to improve the timeliness of maintenance services, and the spot satisfaction rate of parts has become the first element of Customer satisfaction in many times. To this end, many business owners require spare parts inventory staff, trying to ensure that spare parts are available, on the one hand to ensure that the Customer satisfaction, to avoid negative word-of-mouth impact on equipment sales, on the other hand, can help enterprises to sell more spare parts, increase turnover in the aftermarket. The idea sounds perfect, but many companies pay a huge price for it, not only producing a large number of stagnant inventory, reducing the profits of the enterprise's accessories business, affecting the development of the enterprise's post-market, the stock of spare parts is also getting lower and lower, seriously affecting the Customer satisfaction. The reason of this passive situation is that many enterprises have some wrong cognition in the spare parts inventory management, which not only can not satisfy the customer's demand, but also affects the profit of the spare parts business. Let's talk about some misunderstandings in inventory management. Mistake 1: The greater the stock of spare parts the higher the spot rate of a user's equipment due to failure, he is very anxious, immediately find the enterprise service staff to remove the failure. However, due to the lack of spare parts needed for maintenance in the warehouse, resulting in a delay of several days to be fixed, users are very dissatisfied. After the company boss received a customer complaint, immediately to spare parts manager to find a rant, request to increase spare parts inventory, go all out to meet customer needs. The parts manager immediately takes action, asks the service engineer to create a long list of parts to be purchased and placed in the warehouse, hoping that the next time the customer needs them, they will be able to supply them immediately. However, fate always seems to play a trick on people, the purchase of spare parts into the warehouse no one to buy, no purchase of spare parts but there is demand, leading to out of stock. The boss is more dissatisfied, "not let you increase inventory? How can you still out of stock? Put some more will not out of stock? So simple things can not do well? " For this reason fired the accessories manager. In fact, inventory management is not simple, parts spot rate and inventory cost is not linear relationship, the larger the stock of parts spot rate is higher, is a big mistake of inventory management, this is also one of the root causes of stagnant inventory. When companies add parts to inventory to meet customer demand, people think that the spot rate of parts will also increase, like the a curve in the picture above, the two are linear relationship, but in fact it is not. If only based on experience to increase inventory, there is a great possibility that the relationship between the two as shown in curve C, inventory increases a lot, but not much improvement in the spot rate of parts, twice the result with half the effort. Only through the analysis and mining of inventory data, accurately calculate the safety inventory of each part, can achieve twice the result with half the effort (curve B) . In fact, spare parts inventory is divided into turnover inventory and inactive inventory (surplus inventory and inactive inventory) , the larger the turnover inventory, the higher the spot rate of spare parts, and the inactive inventory not only does not contribute to the spot rate of spare parts, but also takes up the enterprise's funds, drag the spot rate of spare parts even lower. Most enterprises'stock problem is not too small, but the stock is not accurate, lacks the market demand forecast, the stock planner biggest perplexity is: does not know which parts purchase comes in is the turnover stock, which is the stagnant stock, by the time we know the answer a year from now, it will be too late! Myth 2: The warehouse should be what, what users of course want the enterprise to what, what, but enterprises should not store all the parts? Of course not, because this will make the enterprise inventory becomes a heavy burden, inefficient. The bigger the spare parts inventory is, the lower the inventory turnover efficiency is, which will affect the profit of the enterprise's spare parts business. Without sufficient profit, the enterprise will be difficult to develop, it is impossible to provide better service for customers. Let me give you an example. A 20-ton excavator has about 4,000 parts, only about 1% of the parts are perishable for maintenance, the reliability of the equipment is increasing, and 95% of the parts have a design life of more than 10,000 operating hours, that's an average of five years or more before it breaks. The situation of diesel engine is quite similar, a diesel engine has about 700 kinds of parts, the perishable parts account for about 1% , and 95% of the parts have a design life of more than 10,000 operating hours. In other words, the probability of demand for most parts in the first few years of a device's life cycle is extremely low. If the enterprise puts every kind of spare part inventory, 95% of the inventory is probably the slow turnover spare part, many spare parts 5 years later the user will need, why not 5 years later put in stock? How can you be sure that in five years users will come back to you for parts? How much will be lost over the next 5 years due to the cost of holding inventory? What is the risk of component obsolescence due to equipment modification and emission upgrades? Obviously, all parts inventory is not a wise choice, it will give the enterprise a large number of stagnant inventory and scrap risk. Mistake 3: Parts inventory is the root of all evil many enterprises have been dragged down by parts inventory, a large number of stagnant inventory to make some enterprises miserable, profit and cash flow has also been affected. Once bitten, ten years afraid of rope, so many bosses hate inventory, think inventory is the "devil" , is the black hole of corporate profits, because the money earned into inventory, occupy a large number of funds, but also affected the development of enterprises. To this end, many business owners to the other extreme, began to pursue zero inventory, strict inventory control, can not save, would rather use emergency purchase orders, rather than put parts in the warehouse. This will lead to a decline in Customer satisfaction and an increase in the loss of regular customers. In fact, service-oriented enterprises can not achieve "zero inventory" , unless you do not care about the Customer satisfaction, because spare parts inventory is an "angel" , can shorten the delivery time, guarantee the timeliness of service, no inventory can not retain old customers. As the scale of business continues to expand, the number of customers also continue to increase, spare parts inventory also needs to increase moderately. How can we judge whether the inventory increase is moderate? An important monitoring indicator is the inventory turnover rate. If the inventory growth rate exceeds the growth rate of the sales of spare parts, the inventory turnover rate will decline, which will lead to a reduction in profits, a decrease in the rate of return on capital, and an increase in risk. Parts inventory is necessary "evil" , well-controlled inventory is "Angel" , if not well-controlled inventory will become "devil" , whenever the inventory turnover rate drops, enterprises must take measures to limit inventory growth, or increase sales of accessories. To do a good job of spare parts inventory management, first of all, you must accept the situation of parts out of stock, no matter how many parts you put in stock, there may be out of stock, can not do what you want, what you have; second, the way to improve the spot rate of parts is not to increase inventory, it is to improve accuracy, which requires a higher level of professionalism on the part of inventory planners. Third, stagnant stocks must be dealt with on a regular basis in order to reduce losses on the one hand and lessons learned in order to reduce inefficient stocks on the other.