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            Excavator sales in the first quarter accounted for nearly 40% of last year's total

            Article source:The station Upload time:2021-04-12

            Sales of excavators in the 2021 sector continued the boom in 2020, with 126941 units sold in the first three months of the year. Based on excavator sales for the full year of 2020,2021 has sold nearly 40 percent of its units in the first quarter. Loader products are also the same, but also achieved a significant year-on-year growth. As the construction machinery industry's most representative loader and excavator products, next we first take a concrete look at the official association of two products sales statistics. Excavator sales in the first quarter accounted for nearly 40 percent of total sales last year, led by loaders. According to statistics from the China Construction Machinery Industry Association for 23 loaders manufacturing enterprises, 22,772 loaders of various types were sold in 2021, up 52 percent year on year. Of this total, 21,313 loaders of 3 tons and above were sold, up 50.2 percent year-on-year. Total sales in the domestic market were 18,621 units, up 54.9 percent year on year, while export sales were 4,151 units, up 40.5 percent year on year. 2021 sold 39,333 loaders from January to march, up 60.7 percent year on year. Of this total, 36,570 loaders of 3 tons and above were sold, up 57.9 percent year-on-year. Total sales in the domestic market were 30,604 units, up 66.8 percent year on year, while export sales were 8,729 units, up 42.3 percent year on year. Second is the excavator, according to the China Construction Machinery Industry Association's statistics of 26 excavator manufacturers, the 2021 sold 79,035 excavators of various types in March, up 60 percent year on year, of which 72,977 were in China, up 56.6 percent year on year, and 6,058 were exported, up 117 percent year on year. In 2021, sales of 126941 excavators increased 85 percent year on year, including 113565 in China, up 85.3 percent year on year, and exports of 13,376 units, up 81.9 percent year on year. Sales of excavators in the first quarter accounted for nearly 40 percent of total sales last year. year-on-year growth, or a significant increase, began in 2017 and will continue into 2020. What will happen to the total sales of 2021, how the industry will develop and how the competitive landscape will evolve, is an urgent concern for many of the mainframe manufacturers and agents in the industry. On the one hand, sales of excavators continue to go up; on the other hand, the profits of excavators are as thin as paper. Some of the top brands of the industry sales of the host plant agents even took the initiative to cancel the excavator agent status, the excavator industry can be said to be the most chaotic competitive moment. Look at other domestic industries, in fact, no better than the construction machinery industry to go. According to the 21st Century Business Herald's mobile client article on July 7th, the shock wave from Guo's corporate defaults has been widening, with $246.4 billion in credit delayed or cancelled as recently as April. There is no high-quality development, corporate earnings weak, or even loss. Use Guo enterprise credit financing, is the risk accumulation, the emergence of systemic debt risk is only a matter of time. A week ago, SASAC issued a notice entitled "guiding opinions on Strengthening the debt risk control of local state-owned enterprises" . Excavator sales in the first quarter of last year's total sales of nearly 40% to return to the construction machinery industry, agents where to go? Especially in the face of domestic financial constraints, increasing debt risks, project payments in the context of uncertainty. The editor has three suggestions, Tossing out a brick to get a jade gem, hope to have a little enlightenment to the industry, that agents in the operation process need to grasp the balance of the three. The first balance is that the agent must have a certain amount of sales, sales, or not to meet the basic market share requirements of the host factory, the agent is likely to be replaced by the host factory. Once you replace it, it's the next best thing. So even if some models or orders to sell at a loss, agents have to sell. The second balance. That is, agents to calculate the General Ledger, accounting to grasp the overall balance of payments, to ensure a certain profit margin, the overall loss of business is certainly not long. So sales, there should be money-making models, there are money-losing models, even after the market through the excavator refit profit to reverse subsidies machine losses. The third balance. That agents to grasp or control the sales of excavator down payment proportion, such as the proportion of 30% down payment should not be less than 60% of total sales. These are the three equilibria that are recommended for the entire machine and for the Dynamic equilibrium. The development trend of the excavator industry since April is influenced not only by the number of infrastructure projects and the actual start-up rate, but also by the domestic political environment and even international politics. Therefore, as construction machinery industry practitioners, the current most should not be concerned about the macro-environment of the industry. But should do well in the present, the present existence of their own problems to deal with, solve. Reduce cost and increase efficiency, improve internal data operation, control risk, subdivision and maintenance of good customers, with a good host plant development requirements, strive not under the card table. Do their own part, and the host plant together to meet the baptism of fierce competition in the industry.