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            China Construction Machinery Industry Association six four member Congress held grandly

            Article source:The station Upload time:2023-04-18

            On April 12-13, 2023, the Fourth Member Representative Conference of the 6th China Construction Machinery Industry Association (referred to as the Association) and the 20th China Construction Machinery Development High Level Forum, with the theme of "New Journey, New Energy, and New Development", were grandly held in Xi'an, Shaanxi. More than 400 people, including Association President Su Zimeng, Honorary President and Special Advisor Qi Jun, Secretary General Wu Peiguo, and leaders from the Association's Vice President, Executive Director, and Governing Units, as well as representatives from various professional branches, member units, and industry mainstream media, attended this grand event. The conference was presided over by Li Jianyou, Vice President of the association.

            President Su Zimeng gave a report on the development of the industry with the title of "Complete, Accurate, and Comprehensive Implementation of the New Development Concept, Jointly Composing a New Chapter of High Quality Development in the Construction Machinery Industry". Su Zimeng stated that in 2022, the construction machinery industry withstood the severe test of declining domestic market demand under the influence of many unfavorable factors and the continuous weak market demand environment. According to the twelve major categories of product data collected by the association, although the domestic sales volume in 2022 decreased by 20.4% compared to the same period in 2021, the export volume increased by 26.9% year-on-year, and the overall sales decline of the twelve major categories of products narrowed to 8.13% for the whole year, The resilience and risk resistance of the entire industry have been further enhanced.

            Su Zimeng stated that the construction machinery industry, as an important component of the equipment manufacturing industry, has achieved significant growth in quantity and improvement in quality over the past decade. In the international construction machinery field, China has become a country with a complete range of product categories and strong manufacturing capabilities, initially possessing an advantageous position in the global construction machinery industry. However, the issue of imbalanced and insufficient development is still quite prominent, and there is still a certain gap between some areas and the significant needs of national economic construction and the high standards and strict requirements of high-end markets. We need to fully, accurately, and comprehensively implement the new development concept, focus on building an independent, controllable, safe and reliable industrial chain supply chain, effectively enhance our self-development ability and international competitiveness, strive to meet various market needs, and strive to promote high-quality development of the construction machinery industry.

            Su Zimeng emphasized that on the new journey, we are facing an increasingly complex environment and unprecedented difficulties. We must "fully, accurately, and comprehensively implement the new development concept, and strive to promote high-quality development of the construction machinery industry." Firstly, we must adhere to innovative development and promote high-quality development of the industry with high-level innovation; Secondly, we will adhere to coordinated development, accelerate the construction of industrial clusters, and comprehensively enhance the basic industrial capacity and modernization level of the industrial chain; The third is to adhere to green development and accelerate the realization of green and low-carbon transformation in the entire industry; Fourthly, we must adhere to open development and further expand international market space and cooperation areas in building a new development pattern; The fifth is to adhere to shared development, accelerate the transformation of industrial momentum, and promote collaborative cooperation between upstream and downstream industries, as well as large and small enterprises, in order to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.

            Su Zimeng believes that there are many favorable factors for the development of the construction machinery industry in 2023. Due to China's significant and decisive victory in epidemic prevention and control, the GDP will achieve a growth rate of around 5% in 2023, and a number of major projects and key projects in the 14th Five Year Plan will start construction one after another. Steady investment will continue to increase, infrastructure construction will accelerate, special bonds will be released more quickly, policy banks will increase new loans, real estate will gradually step out of the valley, rural revitalization and new urbanization will continue to increase Major regional development strategies and policy measures have been further implemented, and the pace of high-end, intelligent, and green transformation continues to accelerate. The combination of existing and incremental policies will gradually provide strong support for the high-quality development of the construction machinery industry. The domestic construction machinery market demand for the whole year will be better than in 2022. Although some product lines may face some pressure in the near future, over time, the pressure will gradually release in the later stage. In 2023, the construction machinery industry as a whole will show a stabilizing and rebounding trend, and it is expected that the industry will achieve effective improvement in quality and reasonable growth in quantity. Despite the severe and complex international situation, with the overall advantages of China's construction machinery technology, products, and services, it is expected that the export volume will still maintain a high level.

            We should also be soberly aware that the foundation for China's economic recovery is not yet solid, the problem of imbalanced and insufficient development is still prominent, and the triple pressures of demand contraction, supply shock, and weakening expectations are still significant. In some areas, the stock of the construction machinery market still needs to be digested, and the structural contradiction of overcapacity is still prominent. Due to increased costs, some non road machinery that meet the emission standards of China's three to four countries will also affect customers' purchase of new machines in the short term. The escalation of geopolitical conflicts and the impact of protectionism have led to an increase in the risk of global economic recession, continued inflation expectations, intensified gaming among major powers in key areas, increased demands for industrial chain security from developed economies, intensified international market competition, and uncertainty in the export of construction machinery. The construction machinery industry faces both new development opportunities and severe challenges.

            Regarding the main work of the current industry, Su Zimeng emphasized the need to firmly fight for the upgrading of the industrial foundation and the modernization of the industrial chain; Continuously enhancing the stability and growth resilience of engineering machinery exports, and continuing to improve overseas business capabilities and the quality and efficiency of overseas investment; Actively responding to the national dual carbon development strategy, orderly promoting the application of green manufacturing, green construction technology and equipment; Further integrate industrial development with key projects and major demands; The "four services" of members, enterprises and society; optimize the business environment, make every effort to hold this year's BICES construction machinery exhibition in Beijing, solidly promote Chinese path to modernization, achieve effective quality improvement and reasonable growth in quantity for the whole industry, and contribute more wisdom and greater strength to accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system and complete various development tasks throughout the year.

            Secretary General Wu Peiguo's "Summary of Secretariat Work for 2022 and Work Plan for 2023". He said that since 2022, the secretariat of the Association and its 34 branches, with the support of the leadership of the superior organizations and all members, have actively implemented the work deployment of the superior organizations and the Council, strictly complied with the Association's Articles of Association and relevant regulations, worked hard to overcome many difficulties caused by the COVID-19, insisted on both service industry and self construction, and comprehensively completed various tasks determined at the beginning of the year and achieved new results.

            When deploying the tasks of the Secretariat in 2023, Wu Peiguo emphasized that the Association Secretariat should continue to focus on in-depth learning and implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and continue to promote the implementation of inspection and rectification work; Carry out regular construction of party conduct and clean governance, as well as anti-corruption and warning education; Implement and complete the overall requirements and goals of the council's 2023 association work, and create more favorable policy environments for enterprises; Further strengthen the construction of member service capabilities; Efforts should be made to manage the entire process of project initiation, formulation, and promotion of group standards, promote the progress of the working group of the Ice and Snow Equipment Standardization Committee, and provide economic and technical consulting services such as recommending relevant awards in the "Mechanical Industry Science and Technology Award", evaluating enterprise scientific and technological achievements, and formulating local and enterprise strategic plans; Strengthen the standardization of various statistical systems and continue to expand the coverage of electric construction machinery statistics; Actively promote the establishment of a mechanism for the supervision of construction machinery in use and the elimination of outdated equipment; Pay attention to the difficulties and demands of enterprises in implementing the four stage emission standard switching, and cooperate with relevant national departments to actively promote the research and development and promotion process of new energy engineering machinery. Steadily carry out industry vocational training and vocational ability level evaluation work, and continue to do a good job in industry enterprise credit rating evaluation as required; Fully leverage the role of the association's news release system, continue to focus on the construction of various media information platforms such as the association's website, and widely promote national policies and industry development trends; Complete the compilation and publication of the 2023 China Construction Machinery Industry Yearbook and the China Construction Machinery Industry Chronicle (2016-2020); strengthen the association's own construction, improve internal systems and regulations, and enhance standardized management level; do a good job in the preparation and organization of BICES 2023 exhibitions to provide optimal services for member enterprises and exhibitors; actively organize relevant international exhibition business to provide support for industry enterprises to go global.

            According to the association's articles of association, the attending representatives carefully listened to, studied, and approved the industry situation development report presented by Su Zimeng, the 2022 work summary and 2023 work plan presented by Wu Peiguo on behalf of the association's secretariat, the work report of Yan Jianguo's supervisor board of supervisors, and two proposals submitted to the fourth session of the sixth member congress. They also passed the proposal to elect the executive director and director of the association's council by secret ballot.

            At the meeting, President Su Zimeng, Honorary President Qi Jun, Secretary General Wu Peiguo, and Vice President Li Jianyou respectively awarded medals and certificates to the newly added executive directors, directors, and representatives of new member units of the association.

            In the final agenda, Tang Chao, Vice President of the Association and Chairman of Beijing Crane Transport Machinery Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., read out the meeting minutes and was unanimously approved by all representatives. At this point, the conference has successfully completed all the scheduled agenda.

            The meeting comprehensively reviewed and summarized the efforts made by the entire industry to overcome multiple adverse impacts and achieve stable development in 2022, analyzed in depth the situation faced by the industry in 2023, and clarified the current main work tasks. The meeting pointed out that adhering to innovative development, coordinated development, green development, open development, and shared development is a profound change that affects the overall development of China. It is necessary to adhere to a systematic concept, strengthen forward-looking thinking, overall planning, strategic layout, and overall promotion.

            The meeting believes that China has become a country with a complete range of engineering machinery products and strong manufacturing capabilities, initially possessing a dominant position in the global engineering machinery industry. However, the problem of uneven and insufficient development is still quite prominent. We must fully, accurately, and comprehensively implement the new development concept, focus on building an independent, controllable, safe and reliable industrial chain supply chain, effectively enhance our self-development ability and international competitiveness, strive to meet various market needs, and strive to promote high-quality development of the construction machinery industry.

            We will work hard and work hard to achieve effective improvement in quality and reasonable growth in quantity for the entire industry, and contribute more wisdom and greater strength to accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system and complete various development tasks throughout the year!

            This conference is hosted by Beijing Harmony Navigation Advertising Media Co., Ltd. and Beijing Tianshi Huagong International Exhibition Co., Ltd; The meeting received strong cooperation from Shaanxi Tongli Heavy Industry Co., Ltd., as well as strong support from Shanghai Huxiao Electric Tools Co., Ltd., Qingdao Taikaiying Special Tire Co., Ltd., and Xuanwei (Shanghai) Coatings Co., Ltd; Industry mainstream media such as "First Construction Machinery Network", "Craftsman Construction Machinery", "Construction Machinery" magazine, "Official Website of China Construction Machinery Industry Association", "Harmony and Wisdom Navigation Construction Machinery Network", "Newsletter", and relevant local media in Xi'an participated in the promotion and reporting of the conference.