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            The inaugural meeting of the Association's Dual Carbon Standardization Technical Committee and the first committee meeting were grandly held in Changzhou

            Article source:The station Upload time:2023-11-13

            On November 9, 2023, the inaugural meeting and first committee meeting of the Double Carbon Standardization Technical Committee of the China Construction Machinery Industry Association (hereinafter referred to as the Double Carbon Standardization Committee) was held in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, a historic and cultural city where construction machinery is concentrated.

            More than 120 people attended the meeting, including Su Zimeng, President of China Construction Machinery Industry Association, Qi Jun, Honorary President, Special Advisor, Li Jianyou, Vice President, Chen Baoqiang, Vice General Manager of China Machinery Science (Beijing) Vehicle Testing Engineering Research Institute Co., Ltd., as well as members, consultants, industry representatives, and Secretariat personnel of the Double Carbon Standard Committee. The establishment meeting of the Double Carbon Standard Committee was presided over by Vice President Li Jianyou.

            President Su Zimeng introduced the background and significance of the establishment of the Double Carbon Standard Committee, affirmed its achievements, and put forward hopes and requirements for the next step of work.

            Li Hongqing, Senior Vice President, pointed out that as a widely used production tool, construction machinery is also deeply involved in the transformation of electrification and low-carbon, as well as the transformation of energy. At the same time, he shared the achievements of Wanbang Digital Company in the green development of the industry, pointing out that the company is deeply involved in carbon reduction and carbon reduction, promoting the technological progress and widespread application of new energy, and making contributions to the green development of the industry.

            Qi Jun, Honorary President and Special Advisor of the Association, read out the approval document for the establishment of the "China Construction Machinery Industry Association Dual Carbon Standardization Technical Committee" (Guo Gong Ji [2023] No. 82), and issued certificates to Su Zimeng, Chairman of the Dual Carbon Standardization Committee, and Li Jianyou, Executive Chairman.

            Su Zimeng, the Chairman of the Double Carbon Standardization Committee, stated that he should work hand in hand with all members, play a good role in the Double Carbon Standardization Committee, and work together to promote the development and construction of the Double Carbon Standardization Committee. He proposed five work requirements: first, to do a good job in top-level design; Secondly, it is necessary to understand the family background and coordinate planning; The third is to introduce high-level standards; The fourth is to face the international community and align with international standards; The fifth is to serve the industry, improve the construction of standard systems, and make new contributions to the green and low-carbon development of China's construction machinery industry.

            Professor Hu Yongbiao, the consultant representative of the Double Carbon Standard Committee, gave a speech. He first pointed out the importance of establishing the Double Carbon Standard Committee and believed that under the leadership of the association and the joint promotion of industry, academia, research and application, the Double Carbon Standard Committee will pave the way for green standards for China and international engineering machinery, provide scientific and technological compliance, promote practical experience, lead industry development, and make outstanding contributions.

            At the first committee meeting of the Double Carbon Standardization Committee, all members reviewed and approved the regulations (draft), Secretariat work rules (draft), standard system framework, and work plan of the Double Carbon Standardization Committee. Ma Lifeng, Vice Chairman of the Basic General Direction and Vice President of Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, Zhang Shengjun, Vice Chairman of the Accounting and Verification Direction and Vice General Manager of Beijing Construction Mechanization Research Institute Co., Ltd., Di Pengyuan, Chairman and Executive Secretary General of the Technology and Equipment Direction and Secretary General of the Association's Dual Carbon Work Committee, and Chairman of the Monitoring and Testing Direction Li Jun, Director of the Engineering Machinery Division of China Machinery Science and Technology (Beijing) Vehicle Testing Engineering Research Institute Co., Ltd., Song Jinyun, Chairman of the Management and Evaluation Direction and Director of the Association's Standards and Regulations Department, respectively reported on the work plans of each research direction. The meeting was chaired by Wang Jinxing, Secretary General of the Double Carbon Standard Committee.

            Li Jianyou, Executive Chairman of the Double Carbon Standardization Committee, delivered a concluding speech. Firstly, he congratulated the successful convening of the inaugural meeting and the first committee meeting of the Double Carbon Standardization Committee, pointing out the significant significance of this meeting, which will promote the green, low-carbon, and high-quality development of the industry.

            After the meeting, the attending members visited Liugong Changzhou Machinery Co., Ltd. and Wanbang Digital Energy Co., Ltd.

            The construction machinery industry is a strategic industry that provides advanced construction and construction technology equipment for various fields of the national economy. As an important component of the equipment manufacturing industry, the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has put forward higher requirements for the development of the manufacturing industry. Efforts should be made to build a modern industrial system and promote the high-end, intelligent, and green development of the industry. In this context, achieving carbon peak and carbon neutrality is the key to achieving sustainable development in the construction machinery industry The inherent requirement for high-quality development, and at the same time, the "National Standardization Development Outline" issued by the Party Central Committee and the State Council has made significant arrangements for standardization work in the new era, emphasizing the important position of standardization as a foundation and leadership. Today, the establishment of the association's "Dual Carbon Standard Committee" not only meets the national dual carbon target requirements, but also provides an important foundation for the establishment of the dual carbon standard system in the construction machinery industry in the new era, achieving the goal of leading the industry's high-quality development with high-quality standards.