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            Looking at the Opportunities in the Construction Machinery Industry in 2024 from Local Policy Reports

            Article source:The station Upload time:2024-03-15

            Recently, various provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the central government have successively released government work reports for 2024. While clarifying key infrastructure projects, various regions have also listed key tasks for 2024. The First Engineering Machinery Network has identified development opportunities related to manufacturing and engineering machinery. Let's take a look at the first phase (Hainan, Chongqing, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia) and see if your hometown is on the list?


            Our main focus is on manufacturing industry. Accelerate the construction of the Xiangqiong and Yueqiong cooperation industrial parks, launch demonstration projects for offshore wind power hydrogen production and comprehensive utilization of hydrogen energy, promote the integrated development of the petrochemical new materials industry chain, and cultivate industrial chains such as wind power equipment manufacturing, yacht equipment repair, clean energy vehicles, and semiconductors.

            Chongqing City

            (1) Adhere to placing high-quality development of the manufacturing industry in a more prominent position, persistently grasp the leading ecological belt, promote industrial agglomeration, technological innovation, and integrated development, and vigorously cultivate new quality productive forces.

            Strengthen the manufacturing industry cluster. We will implement actions to promote high-quality development of key industrial chains and attract large enterprises to strengthen them. We will work together to stabilize and strengthen the chain, rebuild the foundation, and elevate the level of production. We will continue to optimize the industrial layout and improve the modern manufacturing cluster system of "33618".

            Promote the construction of supporting projects for components such as Konghui air springs, Xinzhi drive motors, and Qingshan Ruipu Lanjun power batteries, and accelerate the promotion and application of hydrogen fuel cell commercial vehicles. The new generation of electronic information manufacturing industry will accelerate the promotion of six wafer projects, including Anyifa and Xinlian, to drive the coordinated development of chip design, packaging and testing, semiconductor specific equipment and materials, and increase the cultivation of industries such as AI, robotics, and computing power equipment. Accelerate the construction of key processing parks, key industrial projects under construction, and key investment projects, support enterprises in carrying out digital and intelligent transformation, and focus on improving the quality and safety of the entire chain.

            (2) Protect the beautiful blue sky, implement a continuous improvement action plan for air quality, with a focus on tackling the problem of air pollution in the main urban areas. Strengthen the prevention and control of ozone pollution, diesel truck pollution, and the elimination of heavy pollution weather, striving to maintain good air quality for more than 320 days.

            (3) Implement green and low-carbon transformation actions. Promote the action plan to peak carbon emissions in key areas such as industry, urban-rural development, and transportation, and accelerate the recycling and energy-saving and carbon reduction transformation of industrial parks. Building a green and low-carbon supply chain, promoting low-carbon digital energy pilot demonstration, building green factories and parks, cultivating and strengthening green industries such as energy-saving and environmental protection equipment, waste resource utilization, vigorously developing green manufacturing and prefabricated buildings, and promoting the construction of intelligent construction pilot cities.

            Sichuan Province

            (1) Promote the high-quality development of key manufacturing industry chains, develop industry chains and innovation chain maps around iconic products, and rely on "chain owners" enterprises to promote the filling of gaps and forging of strengths in key industry chains. Implement industrial infrastructure reconstruction projects and major technological equipment research projects. Promote the high-quality development of advanced manufacturing clusters.

            (2) Deepen the battle against pollution prevention and control. With the main focus on reducing the concentration of fine particulate matter, we will carry out special rectification actions for industrial sources, mobile sources, and dust sources, and implement 600 collaborative emission reduction projects for nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds.

            (3) Accelerate the green and low-carbon transformation of development mode. Explore the establishment of a carbon footprint management system for key products, actively participate in the construction of national carbon emission rights and voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction trading markets. Carry out a three-year campaign for industrial enterprise safety, environmental protection, energy conservation, and carbon reduction, implement green manufacturing projects, and continue to carry out green and low-carbon pilot projects such as near zero carbon emission parks and zero carbon supply chains. Promote the comprehensive utilization demonstration of national bulk solid waste and the pilot demonstration of circular and low-carbon transformation in provincial-level industrial parks, and build a key city for the national waste material recycling system.

            Guizhou Province

            (1) Accelerate the revision of coal mining area planning, implement "six batches" in a project-based manner, build and put into operation 35 coal mines, and achieve a raw coal production of over 165 million tons.

            (2) Give full play to the role of leading enterprises such as CATL and BYD as "chain leaders", promote technological and product upgrades of industrial chain enterprises, enhance local supporting capabilities, and increase the added value of the new energy battery material industry by 15%. Promote the development of the dual track of "power batteries+energy storage batteries", vigorously develop the battery recycling and utilization industry, and accelerate the formation of a complete industrial chain.

            (3) Accelerate the promotion of energy conservation and carbon reduction. Solidly promote the top ten actions to achieve carbon peak. Promote the clean and efficient utilization of coal. Resolutely curb the blind development of "two highs and one low" projects. Actively explore the construction of "zero carbon factories" and "zero carbon parks".

            Yunnan Province

            Embark on a new path of industrialization. Around the "Four Supporting Projects", we will implement high-quality development actions for key manufacturing industry chains, develop "green electricity+advanced manufacturing", cultivate national advanced manufacturing clusters, promote the upgrading of the "Yunnan Manufacturing" brand, and accelerate the construction of a strong manufacturing province. Vigorously developing power and energy storage batteries, the added value of the new energy battery industry increased by 30%.

            Shaanxi Province

            (1) Making the development of manufacturing a top priority.

            We will deepen the implementation of the chain length system, accelerate the improvement of industrial infrastructure and major technological equipment research. The output value of the passenger car (new energy), solar photovoltaic, transmission and transformation equipment, semiconductor and integrated circuit industry chains will exceed 250 billion yuan, 180 billion yuan, 100 billion yuan, and 100 billion yuan, respectively. We will promote the upgrading of traditional industries such as color, metallurgy, food, and textile, digital empowerment, and management innovation. We will support the extension and strengthening of the Tongchuan aluminum industry, Baoji titanium industry, Yulin magnesium aluminum industry, and Shangluo vanadium industry, and increase the added value of non energy industries by 7.5%.

            (2) Implementing the "Two Mountains" concept and continuously improving the level of green development

            Deepen the battle against pollution prevention and control. Develop and implement the National Action Plan for Continuous Improvement of Air Quality, continue to carry out special actions for air pollution control in the Guanzhong region, focus on emission reduction, coal reduction, and carbon reduction, promote industrial structure, energy structure, and transportation structure adjustment, improve the emission reduction performance of key industries, add about 100 B-level and above enterprises, reduce the consumption of electric coal in the Guanzhong region by 1.6 million tons, strive to achieve a railway transportation proportion of 90% in the main coal production areas, and reduce the average concentration of PM2.5 in 10 cities of the national exam to 36.2 micrograms/cubic meter, with excellent days reaching 299.1 days.

            Promote the green and low-carbon transformation of development mode. Actively and prudently promote carbon peak and carbon neutrality, resolutely curb the blind implementation of "two highs" projects, promote the research and development of advanced technologies for energy conservation and carbon reduction, deepen energy conservation and carbon reduction in key industries such as coal-fired power, building materials, and chemical industry, vigorously develop green and low-carbon industries, and actively promote the utilization of geothermal resources. Explore pilot projects for paid use and trading of energy rights, actively participate in national carbon emission trading, and improve the construction of platforms such as green electricity trading markets.

            Gansu Province

            (1) Gathering momentum towards a new strong industry. Deepen the promotion of new industrialization.

            Fully implement the "Six Major Actions" to create an upgraded version of an industrial powerhouse and a prosperous province, and revitalize the old industrial base. Deepen the promotion of the industrial chain length system. More than 300 key projects for the implementation of the "Three Modernizations" transformation. Promote the petrochemical industry to reduce oil consumption, increase chemical and special features, and accelerate the extension of the metallurgical and non-ferrous industries to the high-end. Strive to create three national level advanced manufacturing industry clusters, including petrochemical, non-ferrous metallurgy, new energy, and new energy equipment manufacturing.

            (2) Intensify policy implementation efforts, focus on building a "3+2" modern industrial system, and create a "6+X" advanced manufacturing industry cluster.

            (3) Deepen the battle against pollution prevention and control. Carry out air cleaning actions such as heavy pollution weather prevention and control, diesel truck pollution control, and promote the ultra-low emission transformation of key industries such as steel, cement, coking, and coal-fired boilers. Steady and orderly promotion of green and low-carbon transformation. Strictly control the entry barriers for construction projects, and promote the gradual shift from dual control of energy consumption to dual control of carbon emissions. Actively participate in the construction of the national carbon market, carry out carbon emission verification for key industry enterprises, and promote the development and trading of national voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction projects.

            Qinghai Province

            (1) Actively and prudently promote carbon peak and carbon neutrality. Accelerate the implementation of collaborative projects for pollution reduction and carbon reduction, coordinate the promotion of carbon peak in key areas such as industry, transportation, and construction, build zero carbon industrial parks, and accelerate the green, low-carbon, and energy-saving transformation of key industry enterprises. Accelerate the construction of a new type of power system and a green power consumption system, implement a unified national carbon emission trading management and product carbon labeling certification system, and deepen the pilot of forest and grass carbon sequestration.

            (2) Deepen the special action of digital empowerment for small and medium-sized enterprises, promote the digital transformation and upgrading of the life service industry, and create a new engine for the development of the digital economy.

            Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region

            (1) Intensify efforts to promote the improvement of quality and efficiency in new industries.

            Implementing the "Industrial Chain Upgrade Project", focusing on the "Ten Industrial Chains", promoting the "Four Major Transformations", strengthening quality support and standard guidance, constructing 300 chain extension and replenishment projects for high-performance metals, energy storage materials, silicon-based materials, etc., comprehensively improving the safety and efficiency level of the industrial chain supply chain.

            (2) Accelerate the construction of seven major data centers and strive to add more than 60000 standard racks. Vigorously promote the traditional industrial intelligence upgrading plan and the SME digital empowerment plan, build 20 new industrial Internet platforms, add 1000 cloud enterprises, and reach 55% of enterprises above the designated size for digital transformation, so as to calculate high-quality development and enable high-quality economic development. Implement the data platform capability improvement action, launch the construction of Ningxia's comprehensive intelligent management platform, and carry out a special action to upgrade 5G signals,

            (3) Fight the overall battle for green and low-carbon development.

            We will comprehensively promote the clean and efficient utilization of energy, resolutely curb the blind development of "two highs and one low" projects, build a number of green parks and factories, and build a "green hydrogen industry demonstration base" in Ningdong. Comprehensively promote the formation of a green and low-carbon lifestyle, actively create ecological civilization construction demonstration zones and "Two Mountains" practical innovation bases, accelerate the construction of "waste free cities", "sponge cities", and "garden cities", vigorously promote garbage classification, green transportation, and energy conservation in public institutions.