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            Zheng Zhajie, Director of the National Development and Reform Commission, presided over a special symposium to communicate and exchange ideas with private enterprises on large-scale equipment updates

            Article source: Upload time:2024-05-09

            According to the WeChat official account of the National Development and Reform Commission, recently, Zheng Jiejie, the director of the National Development and Reform Commission, hosted the second symposium on large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods trade in, held discussions with the heads of private enterprises such as Tianneng Holding Group, Xizi United, Lianying Group, Kangli Elevator, listened carefully to entrepreneurs' demands and suggestions on large-scale equipment renewal, and conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions on the next step to promote relevant work.

            Representatives from private enterprises gave a detailed introduction to the production and operation of the enterprise, and proposed considerations and specific suggestions for equipment updating work from the production, demand, and recycling ends. Representatives attending the conference expressed that equipment updates can not only help enterprises improve their technological level and competitiveness, but also help people improve their lives, enhance the level of public services such as education and healthcare, and contain huge market potential.

            Zheng Zhajie introduced the economic operation of the first quarter to private entrepreneurs and responded to their opinions and suggestions one by one. Zheng Zhajie pointed out that in the first quarter, the economy showed a development trend of rapid growth, optimized structure, and improved quality and efficiency, achieving a stable start and a good start. With the continuous implementation and effectiveness of various decisions and deployments by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council, the momentum of China's economic recovery towards a positive state will be further consolidated and strengthened, creating a favorable macroeconomic environment for the healthy development of the private economy.

            Zheng Zhajie stated that the decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council to promote large-scale equipment updates will effectively drive effective investment, increase advanced production capacity, enhance people's well-being, promote economic transformation and upgrading, and promote social development and progress. Next, the National Development and Reform Commission will strengthen overall coordination, work with relevant departments and local governments, arrange central investment to support eligible equipment renewal and recycling projects, and implement a combination of policies such as finance, taxation, and finance, strengthen factor protection, and promote industries to move towards "new" development. At the same time, equipment updates will also focus on tilting towards the field of people's livelihood, improving the quality of public services, improving the comfort of people's lives, and allowing enterprises and the public to share the dividends of China's high-quality development.