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            Reflection: What "involution" will leave us with

            Article source: Upload time:2024-07-10

            When the economy is down and the market is sluggish, many companies have a very simple response: reducing costs through continuous layoffs and improving efficiency through more intense competition.

            Human beings learn through experience and then transform it into an instinct. The instinctive response of enterprise managers to crises is to reduce costs and increase efficiency, use fewer people to do more work, and overtime becomes the norm. It seems that high efficiency can be generated to resist market downturns.

            However, the instinctive coping mechanism is still a flow thinking, while viscosity thinking is a thriving mechanism. Although layoffs can quickly reduce costs, their side effects can be devastating, causing the loss of outstanding employees who have been trained for many years. Salary cuts lead to a decrease in employee enthusiasm for work, layoffs result in customer loss, and companies gradually lose the cornerstone of development.

            The harm of "involution" goes far beyond this. In recent years, we have heard a lot of negative news, such as high-ranking officials jumping off buildings, wealthy doctors cutting their wrists, and graduate students in medical schools looking forward to limitless opportunities but ending their lives in extreme ways. They each have no shortage of money, what is higher than the value of life?

            In the increasingly intense "involution" environment, a culture of "survival rather than development" has emerged in society, with tension and anxiety replacing ease as the mainstream. Many people's bodies are filled with a sense of pressure, and the air is filled with strong negative energy. This negative emotion slowly erodes people's bodies and makes their brains feel tired. Do you remember the last time you laughed heartily?

            Some people say that pressure can help you get out of your comfort zone, and "involution" reflects the diligence and hard work of Chinese people. They work six and a half days a week without any subsidies, and many people stay abroad all year round. Only during the Spring Festival can they reunite with their families. People have long become accustomed to this phenomenon of violating labor laws.

            The "involution" is destroying the lives of several generations of Chinese people. Many people, in order to make a living, go out early and return late, have no time to enjoy family happiness with their wives and children. They sacrifice their personal time and life, putting the purpose of life upside down, and letting happiness gradually fade away from us.

            Bosses are beginning to share their inner pressure in extreme ways, transmitting it to the management team of the company. They break down this pressure into performance indicators and pass it on to employees like a drum and flower. Everyone struggles under this pressure, is this what work and life should be like?

            In the coming years of economic downturn, market competition will become even more brutal. More companies will lay off employees or even go bankrupt, and more employees will receive salary cuts or even layoffs. There may also be more bosses, managers, and employees who cannot bear the pressure and may experience physical or mental problems. The pressure will only increase. How long can you persist?

            "Internal competition" leads people to give up on themselves, stifles creativity, and does not improve work efficiency and competitiveness. More and more employees are "fishing" during overtime because overtime is not necessary for work, but because they are worried that leaving work on time will appear on the next round of layoffs.

            Finding the path to return to oneself is a lifelong journey and also a lifelong lesson. You need to put in a lot of effort to resist the temptations and forces that try to make you deviate from this path. Looking around, no one can help you. Your teachers, bosses, and superiors all demand that you sacrifice yourself, and you find yourself so helpless and confused.

            The most fulfilling life is being able to love the work you do, enrich yourself with the life you love, and make your own contributions, rather than being exhausted from work and unable to extricate yourself. Those who say "you can't change the world" really can't change anything.

            How many people love their jobs in a world where pessimism seems to have triumphed over optimism? How many people look forward to going to work every morning? Most people only consider work as a profession to earn money and support their families, because the happiness it brings us is decreasing.

            How can employees without a sense of security unleash creativity? "Internal competition" not only fails to bring higher efficiency to enterprises and create greater wealth for society, but also destroys the culture of the enterprise, harms the physical and mental health of employees, puts the enterprise in a sub healthy state, creates a group of employees with imbalanced mentality, and destroys social harmony and peace.

            Everyone I meet hates "involution", but they have to get involved and say, "No one can change the environment." Although this may seem reasonable, it's just an excuse. Our love in life is decreasing, betrayal and deception are increasing, happiness is decreasing, and pain is increasing, but people are accustomed to it. How can the environment change if each of us doesn't make a change?

            I am traveling in Greece, and the names of ancient Greeks such as Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Archimedes, Pythagoras, Euclid, and others come to my attention. How did they discover those great truths? I know ancient Greeks enjoyed debating, which helped them discover many great theories.

            What can internal competition bring us? Can we only accept internal competition and let it destroy our ecology and life?

            Starting from me, starting from now. Change yourself, change the environment, even if it's just a little bit.