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            Cloud manufacturing 2 asymptotic, China's information development potential or accelerate release

            Article source:The station Upload time:2016-12-26

            The Chinese information officer will be 2016 years ninth recently held in beijing. Focus on the opportunity to seek transformation and create the future, the theme, the experts said, the wisdom of cloud manufacturing proposed a user centric concept of Internet service collaboration, the formation of human-computer integration of new segments. Under the "Internet plus artificial intelligence" to accelerate the development of the background, the wisdom of the cloud manufacturing (cloud manufacturing 2) era.
            The conference was sponsored by China Electronic Information Industry Development Institute, China Information Weekly, China information network, China Information Technology Alliance, China cloud system industry innovation strategic alliance.
            Cross border cooperation and development
            2016 is "13th Five-Year" at the beginning of the year, the CPC Central Committee and State Council issued "on deepening the manufacturing industry and the Internet fusion development guidance", "national development strategy" Outline "," 13th Five-Year "National Informatization Plan" and a series of major policy related information.
            Deputy director of the Development Department of the central network security and Informatization Leading Group Office of information technology Ceng Yu pointed out that the new technology of Internet, networking, cloud computing, big data, continuous innovation, modern information technology revolution on computer network and communication technology as the representative of the birth of the digital economy, the world's major countries are speeding up to promote the integration of information technology and traditional innovation network industry. Only powerful alliances, collaborative innovation in order to break through the core technology, in order to achieve digital, networking, information and intelligent transformation, to achieve strong industry by large. In order to deepen the development of manufacturing industry and Internet integration, stimulate innovation and vitality of manufacturing enterprise development potential and power transformation, support and encourage the manufacturing enterprises and Internet companies to carry out cross-border cooperation, integration and development in various forms; the information through the process of modernization of our country has great potential, accelerate the release of information, using information technology to drive the modernization, accelerate the construction of power network.
            Information revolution is the biggest change power that leads the world to accelerate from industrial civilization to information civilization. With the deep integration of the two civilizations, China's enterprises are facing enormous opportunities and challenges, corporate information managers are constantly changing roles. Peking University Professor, former Vice Minister of the Ministry of Yang Xueshan said, now the enterprise should not only be CIO single role positioning in the enterprise executives, should be more from CEO's point of view to consider the direction of the development of enterprises; the past CIO more through the enterprise information on the understanding of shaping the artisan spirit, the future with the development of informationization, CIO perhaps more should focus on how to become a designer of enterprise informatization.
            Practice wisdom cloud manufacturing
            Currently, the use of cloud computing, industrial data and other advanced technology concepts to promote the development of intelligent manufacturing, has become a trend. Industrial big data is in the field of industrial related information generated by the application of massive data. Here related applications not only includes internal and industrial chain, but also includes users and Internet data.
            Chinese Academy of Engineering Li Bohu believes that the wisdom of cloud manufacturing is interconnected, service-oriented, collaborative features such as the wisdom of manufacturing a new model. The big advantage is especially suitable for Chinese situation. "One is a manufacturing enterprise human physical user centric fusion. Two is the establishment of ecological support, known Crowdsourcing, and raise the public pay. Three is to accelerate the "five 2025" China manufacturing transformation proposed upgrade. Four is able to support the development of personality, flexibility, socialization and green manufacturing, improve competitiveness."
            Based on cloud manufacturing, China intelligent manufacturing technology company vice president Li Tan proposed cloud services and cloud ecological manufacturing management system based on.
            According to reports, in the past to obtain the high cost of customer demand, information opaque, personalized custom high cost, unable to achieve large-scale customization, only by artificially scheduled in advance. Now, in the process of consumption of Internet and Internet technology and constantly promote the development of the industry, consumers are free to put forward the demand for products, and produce the manufacturing instructions, no intermediate links and all process is transparent, the upgrading of the C2B.
            Chinese software association director Zhao Xiaofan believes that the cloud manufacturing to cloud based, the container technology widely used will lead the 2 era of cloud computing to accelerate the arrival of expansion from the platform to the application virtualization.
            Earlier this work light element technology CEO Liang Shangcheng said that the current enterprises enjoy cloud services faces three major challenges: software development cannot be as fast as the Internet enterprise IT iteration; ability to support business to Internet companies like flexibility, cross cloud scheduling; in front of the cloud era diversified demand, the relative lack of application development capabilities. There is no application platform is very popular. On the development of container technology enterprise to solve pain points. It is reported that, at present, China Unicom, Chinese interconnection, China Ziguang building materials and other enterprises to use container technology, and produced a good effect.