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            Minister of Communications: to promote the construction of modern integrated transport system

            Article source:The station Upload time:2017-03-06

            Standard of Transportation Department of Transportation Management Committee held a meeting to convey the standardization under the State Council to promote the coordination of the third plenary meeting of the inter ministerial joint conference, summing up the work in 2016, focus on the deployment of 2017, passed the "standard transportation system". Director of Management Committee, Minister Li Xiaopeng stressed the need to thoroughly study and understand the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, deepen the supply side structural reform, serve the people, serve the overall situation, the grassroots, firmly establish the awareness of standardization, standardization efforts to deepen structural reform, increase the effective supply of standards, improve the industry governance capacity by means of standardization, to promote the modern comprehensive the construction of the transportation system, help the industry to upgrade the quality and efficiency, and strive to build the people's satisfaction of traffic.
            Li Xiaopeng fully affirmed the achievements made in the standardization work in 2016. He pointed out that over the past year, the Department of Management Committee under the leadership of the party, earnestly perform their duties, the field of railway, highway and water transport, civil aviation, postal and other attaches great importance to the standardization consciousness of the whole industry continues to improve, the work to promote pragmatic, breakthrough construction standard transportation system, supporting major national strategy and work center effect of standardized management service capabilities and international level has improved, the standardization work has made great progress.
            Li Xiaopeng stressed the need to further strengthen the standardization of basic, strategic and leading role for the construction of a modern integrated transport system, promoting our country's transport power to a power forward to provide support. One is to deepen the supply side structural reform, the implementation of the "three to one drop fill" five tasks, reduce costs, make up the short board, strong service, accelerate the introduction of the "standard of transportation management measures", a clear division of responsibilities, promote the overall development in all areas of Railway, highway, waterway, civil aviation, postal and other standardization work. Two is to accelerate the construction of standard transportation system, the national service "three big strategies" to identify the standardization in the promotion of interconnection, the starting point to enhance the transport service quality and safety level, to promote the depth of integration of various modes of transport and coordinated development with the standard. Three is to accelerate the promotion of standardized management services, and strengthen communication and liaison with other ministries, innovative working mechanism, build an exchange platform to promote transport standards, go out".